What is the Ki te Hoe Wānanga series?Now in its fourth year, the Ki te Hoe wānanga series supports leaders in philanthropy and social change to better understand and support Māori aspirations, to operate more authentically in Aotearoa and to apply this knowledge to help build a thriving Aotearoa.
Ki te Hoe (meaning “to the paddle,” or “let’s get going”) involves three marae-based wānanga and four online hui, held over a month period from May - November 2025. The Ki te Hoe wānanga series began as a collaboration between Philanthropy NZ and Tūmanako Consultants to bring to life the Ki Te Hoe Framework, developed to help funders to better support Māori aspirations. |
Interested in participating in 2025? Click below |
Who is it for? The Ki te Hoe wānanga series is aimed at trustees, CEs, Māori advisors, senior managers and other leaders of organisations involved in philanthropy and/or making positive social change in Aotearoa, and who are on their journey of understanding Te Ao Māori.
If you have an open heart and an open mind, if you are curious and willing to learn, and if you have influence and are able to effect change, then the Ki te Hoe wānanga series is for you. We highly recommend two - three people attend from each organisation so that you can support each other to apply learnings in your workplace. Organisations who have attended previously have found representation from the board, the CE, and Māori particularly useful, if practicable. |
What will you gain from the Ki te Hoe wānanga series?
Ki te Hoe provides personal, professional and organisational development which is experiential and unique to Aotearoa.
Personal development - you will:
Personal development - you will:
- deepen your knowledge of our country’s history
- engage with and learn from Māori communities, both rural and urban
- explore your personal history, identity and sense of belonging
- build understanding of tikanga and worldviews
- consider power, privilege and how to recognise and respond to racism
- strengthen understanding and engagement with Māori communities
- deepen understanding of Te Tiriti and what it means for your organisation
- explore how to make workplaces great spaces for Māori colleagues
- consider ways to operate more authentically in Aotearoa
- deepen connections with peers and be a part of an ongoing learning community
If you are interested in Ki te Hoe, you can register below, or contact us if you have questions
When will it run?
What will it cost?
This includes food, accommodation and facilitation at our three marae-based wānanga, as well as four zoom-based wānanga, personal advice and support during the journey and participation in an ongoing learning community. Payment can be made in two instalments to facilitate budget cycles where this is helpful. Travel costs and marae koha are not included. |